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Posts posted by AC87

  1. I recently purchased these strings from Amazon for £24. I wanted to try something different, as I have almost exclusively been using rotosound swing bass 66 roundwound strings for as long as I can remember. These caught my eye because they were exactly what I was looking for, they were different. I wasn't looking for a life changing experience, or the best strings in the world, I bought these knowing I was taking a risk and dammit if I didn't like them then I would keep them on for as long as possible just to get my moneys worth anyway.
    All out of 10:[/u]

    [b]Brightness - 7 [/b]
    These strings are advertised as a good alternatives to steel strings delivering a bright sound, and they're not lying.
    [b]Tone - 6[/b]
    I am yet to play with my band so I am keen to hear how well it cuts through at rehersals and at a gig. Just from practicing by myself I was quite impressed with the mids, the lows were ok but not too sure about the highs. I am hoping the strings have a good presence at gigs.
    [b]Feel - 9[/b]
    For me this was the biggest and most noticeable difference. The finish is very smooth and feels really nice on the fret hand. With steel strings you can really feel them digging into your fingers when they are new, but these felt so good - moving around the fret board, doing slides, runs, scales, all felt marvellous.
    [b]Look - 10[/b]
    They're black strings, I think that's pretty badass. I'm not a metal head or anything (not that there's anything wrong with that), but I think these strings look awesome. Now I can tell people my G string is black :)
    [b]Longevity - N/A [/b]
    I will get back to you on this one. However, a few tiny specs of the coat have come off in places already and I expect tiny flakes will continue to come off during rehearsals and gigs. So as far as the coat goes, I don't imagine that it will stay perfect for very long, although so far this is only noticable when you are up close.

    All in all the strings are silky smooth, provided enough brightness to keep me happy, and sounded good enough so far. If like me, you fancied a change and felt like doing something a bit different then why not try these out for a while?

    This has been my first review if i've left anything out or could improve this review in any way please let me know thank you for reading :)

  2. [quote name='rOB' post='1311991' date='Jul 21 2011, 08:03 PM']Welcome to the forum, loads of good, friendly advice to be had.

    Customise in what way? IMO new pickups would make the most difference to how it sounds.[/quote]

    Cheers mate, thanks for welcoming me. For customising the bass I was definately looking at getting new pickups. I have read good things about Dimarzio pick ups.

    [url="http://www.dimarzio.com/pickups/bass/standard-bass/dimarzio-model-p"]Dimarzio P style[/url]

    [url="http://www.dimarzio.com/pickups/bass/standard-bass/dimarzio-model-j"]Dimarzio J Style[/url]

    I would want one p style for the neck pickup and one j style for the bridge pickup. The one thing is that my current bass has active electronics, but as another kind member of this forum pointed out to me I need to know if they are active pickups or passive pickups with an active preamp, before changing the pickups.... I don't actually know :)

    Would you recommend changing the bridge at all? I am also planning on experimenting with some different strings to rotosound roundwounds, I do like the bright sounding strings to help me get a nice punchy sound with good mids.

    Other purely aesthetic customisations I have considered are changing the style of the volume knobs and tuning heads, and even LEDs on the fret markers! Haha I don't have a spare £400 for the LEDs so I'm gonna concentrate on finding some good pickups and making the bass sound good first :)

  3. [quote name='Evil Undead' post='1311824' date='Jul 21 2011, 05:47 PM']Hello! Welcome :)

    You hear a lot of mixed reviews about Rotosound. They're certainly not for everyone. Personally I love them, been using them since I started playing two years ago. And their customer service is awesome!

    Looking forward to seeing you about on the forum![/quote]

    Thanks mate!

    Yeah they certainly are good strings, and good value for money, I just haven't ever tried anything else so I might be overdue to experiment a little bit :)
    The last set I bought didn't last as long as usual which I thought was strange, ah well I might read some reviews on strings in this forum and see what people recommend. Nice one.

  4. [quote name='shezza' post='1181600' date='Mar 29 2011, 10:50 PM']Hi all, I have an Epiphone EB3 with stock strings and I am thinking of replacing them.
    Has anyone any ideas of what I should purchase? The sound that I go for is a warm mellow sound, not twangy.
    Also I will be going through a Boss GT10B would a change in strings make a difference, or is it best to get the required sound that I want via the GT10B. Finally has anyone had any experience of Rotosound Nexus Bass Guitar String Black Polymer Coated.
    All opinions welcome.................................Thanks Pete.[/quote]

    Hey Pete,

    did you purchase the Rotosound Nexus strings in the end? All I can offer for advice is that if you want warm and mellow then go for flat wound strings, the Rotosound Nexus are advertised to be a good alternative to steel strings so I'm not sure if they would be the best for a warm mellow sound, as roundwound steel strings are known to be quite bright and twangy.

  5. Hey everyone,

    I'm new to this forum today, seems like a great place to improve my knowledge here, everyone seems cool.

    Currently playing in a band called "Twinkle and the Sluts", we're relatively new to the gigging scene and still young as a band as we've only been playing together for about 4 months. It's a lot of fun either way! I've been playing the electric bass since I was 12, and when I was 16 I passed my Grade 1 on the double bass, before switching back to electric. I am currently looking to customise my Yamaha RBX 370a that i've been using as my go to bass since I was 13, in order to breathe some new life into it, anybody have any recommendations?

    I also have been using Rotosound Roundwound strings nearly exclusively for a decade, although i've read some bad reviews lately about them, it's true they don't always last as long as they should, so I'm thinking I might switch to D'addario XL Nickel Wound, I do like a nice bright sound with fairly strong mid frequencies.



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