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Steve Dude Barr

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Posts posted by Steve Dude Barr

  1. Hello Gentlemen,

    Let me clear this up for you if I may. (found this on a google newsfeed).

    1) I am still a Lakland Dealer according to a telephone conversation two days ago with Dan Lakin.

    2) The DPLE III will be made although the order window has now closed and only the 9 people who gave me deposits and my own personal bass will be made initially thus limiting initial production to 10 basses total. There has been discussion with Dan about making this a bass with it's unique features a new model with a name something to the effect of "Skyline Decade DP" and more news will be forthcoming on this as we progress.

    3) The initial delivery date of the 10 limited edition basses has been pushed back about 6 months from January 2008 to roughly June 2008 due to production difficulties associated with the Chi-Sonic pickup covers and any of the 9 depositers who wish to back out have been told they may do so by emailing a request for deposit refund to me at [email protected] (orders are not transferable).

    4) Not one of the individuals who have been talking smack about me on any of the newsgroups has lost one dime by dealing with me and in fact the instigator of the thread on alt.guitar.bass freely admitted to never having done any business with me ever. Furthermore, I challenge ANYONE to publicly state how, when and how much they've lost by doing business with me as a customer in the 10 years I've been in the bass business.

    5) As far as what Sterling Ball says on his forum about me I will only say that there are two sides to any story and leave it at that as I have been threatened with litigation and choose not to say anything further after seeking the advise of legal counsel. I will say this though as it is the truth as I know it so help me God...He has used personal situations in my life unrelated to my bass business and interjected them out of context in such a way to make it appear that said issues are in fact related to my business transactions and that simply is not the case. (See #4 above).

    Thank you for the opportunity to make a statement regarding this matter.

    Pip, Pip ya limey bastards!!! :)

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