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Posts posted by Arwid

  1. [quote name='NancyJohnson' post='137009' date='Feb 9 2008, 12:24 PM']I owned a TB2000 about twenty years ago. #222. Part exchanged it for a f2cking Ibanez Roadster. I think about it every day.
    Oh that must hurt! I can feel your pain, because I sold an MM Sabre s/n C0010011 (one of the first sabres) for absolutely no reason whatsoever and sold it for lowlow money, maybe I could buy a Roadster from ebay now with that money

    I think about it every day too.. *crying desperately*

    Nothing to do with aluminium necks, sorry, but just had to share this story, maybe it eases my pain a bit and it's a good warning too:
    if you have a good bass, don't you ever sell it

  2. [quote name='Merton' post='137086' date='Feb 9 2008, 03:25 PM']What didn't you like about the Wal to begin with? It's gorgeous! I'd love to have a Wal. I was playing some jazz (really badly) on Wed night and one of the saxophonists there is also a bassist. He has 2 basses, both Wals, one fretted and one fretless. He honestly had no idea how much they are worth now - he bought them about 15/20 years ago from a shop...

    Can I have yours? :)[/quote]

    I didn't like that tight string spacing and it was very easy to dial stupid sounds out of it before I learned what to do with the controls. What amazes me the most now, is its bass response. I don't know how they've managed to do that, it's built like any bass I know, but it has a lot of low end. A lot.

  3. Aah, that Jazz has been with me as long as I've been playing, it has had every kind of pick ups in it, but I really liked it when it had the cream coloured DiMarzios in it.. wonderful soft and dark bridge pickup sound and a neck pick up that sounded really good.
    I don't like those quarter pounders that much, they do have too much of "wrong" (for me) mids built in, but wonderful soft bass may I add!!
    I'll have that bass as long as live, it's not even close to a perfect bass but every time I see it I know that we'll travel together

  4. [quote name='Hamster' post='136729' date='Feb 8 2008, 07:37 PM']Hi Ari and Welcome :)

    I have some very good friends in Finland (they live in Martti) - I visit them whenever I get the time!

    When you visit them I'd love to be there too, pm me then!

  5. These are my main basses:

    maybe you've seen them before? ..and the new (for me) 5 string

    A Wonderful bass, that I first thought wasn't any good. Damn that bass have a lot of balls in it!

  6. I have a 2 hours (of playing) experience with my "super" aluminium special, and I have to say that I regret a bit that I took it to pieces after that gig. Wonderful sound, no problems whatsoever with that cracked necked bass, and absolutely none with tuning
    I find it a bit difficult to believe that aluminium necks would be more unstable than wooded necks.
    Yeah!! I'm still an alunimium freak!

  7. Hi all,
    I live in Finland and have played bass for ages now, my main basses are 74Jazz, 77Stingray and a Wal 5 string as a new favourite. I mainly watch for sale ads here as there is not much interesting stuff for sale here locally, but have also found many good advices while reading basschat. I'm a bit of a "background" reader I'm afraid but hope to fit in here somewhere :)

  8. I've been obsessed with aluminium necks since I saw a Kramer "fork" for the first time. As they were out of bussines and it was 1990something, so no ebay then, I decided to make one aluminium necked bass myself.. as I had a copy of "build your own guitar", a drill and a file , I just knew I could build one :)

    Everything went "well" until I decided to use screws as fretboard markers (as dots) ..to add more stiffness to the already stiff neck.. and of course the neck cracked, too big holes into thin aluminium.. oh boy. But I bit my teeth together and played one gig with it! Sounded very good, so it was a lot of mixed feelings that night, as I knew that it was the first and last gig with that bass
    Just had to share this story with you all *sigh*

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