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Posts posted by zac362

  1. Hi,

    Just a quick question if anyone can help, I'm looking at pa speakers and my knowledge of the subject isn't fantastic.

    i keep seeing the wattage described with two numbers for example: 300 Watts RMS continuous, 600 Watts program

    i have no idea what that means, is it 300 or 600?

    any help would be greatly appreciated.

    cheers Zac.

  2. Thanks for taking the time to list all that for me, its much appreciated.

    so its gonna be quite a pricy endeavour but i was expecting as much to be honest, and like you say, its worth spending the money to get a decent sound.

    Thanks again. Zac

  3. 2 guitars, bass, bass drum, snare, vocals

    rock and pop covers band, so everything from guns n roses to duran duran,

    and usually to full, fairly big pubs, but we're looking to move on to bigger things, maybe some function stuff

  4. think this is the right place for this, but due to recent events, my band has found its self with out a frontman, which is fine, I'm looking forward to finding a new 5th member. The major downside is that our frontman provided all our PA equipment.

    after looking online for a bit, I've come to the conclusion that i don't know what I'm looking for or what I'm looking at, if theres anyone out there who could give me a quick run down of what id need and maybe recommended brands (nothing to lavish, were only a pub band and all a bit skint) that would be fantastic.

    Cheers Zac.

  5. the argument for Barefaced over everything else is becoming quite one sided, you're a persuasive bunch :) already trying to figure out where i could get the extra cash. The upside for the mbe212 was you seemed to get a lot of bang for your buck, but if i invest a bit more it seems like id be better off.


  6. i have no idea what grunt is either but it seemed to sound right at the time :) i might look a bit more into the Barefaced compacts, from what I've heard they seem to be the dogs cojones, and they look the part as well, nicest looking cabs I've seen, thanks again for all the help

  7. Hi all,

    quick question for you all, I've always had combo amps but I've just bought a GK mb500, and I'm not quite sure what cab i should pair it with, I'm really no expert on this stuff, i had the mb212 in mind, but that was a shallow decision based purely on the fact that they would both say Gallien-Krueger on, that should give you a good indication of my knowledge on the subject :) anyway, I've waffled, any help would be massively appreciated, i don't wanna rush into buying one I'm not sure of.

    Cheers Zac.

  8. [quote name='Grant' timestamp='1317974437' post='1396729']
    GK have created a mighty fine amp. I don't know what their heads are like with other cabs though. I'm sure you'll have a great sound whatever you put it through. :)

    at first it'll be through a 115 peavey cab that I've been using as an extension cab for my peavey combo, but i reckon ill get a GK cab, maybe one out of the MB range once I've saved up the funds, its an expensive business is this bass playing lark :)

  9. Seen as though this is the only forum I've been on where you don't get berated by an angry mob for asking the most simple of questions, i thought i'd give it a go;

    i picked up a Tanglewood TEB100 a few years ago and pretty much know nothing about it, i think i paid around £275 for it, no idea if i was robbed or not and it didn't even come in the proper box, if i remember rightly it was in a Cort box. i can't find anything on google or the Tanglewood website about it so I'm slightly suspicious of it and I'm wondering if its a fake, not that id be bothered because it sounds great, instead of it saying Tanglewood on the headstock it just has a fancy 'T'

    So i'd be grateful to anyone who could give me any info on it, mainly if I've bought some knock off and its worth just so i know if i was ripped off, cheers in advance guys.


  10. Hello!

    im Zac from Hull, played bass for around 5 years now i think.

    Played on and off with various local bands, mainly depping, i haven't really gigged with anyone for about a year now, but you guys know what its like, you get that itch that will not go away until you start playing again, well i'm itching pretty bad :)

    My main bass is a Warwick Corvette $$ 5 string and i play through a Peavey stack.

    Anyways, i just thought i'd say hi

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