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Posts posted by fishead

  1. [quote name='fattybassman' timestamp='1317816331' post='1394848']
    hey mate...sorry for the long out...i forgot about this post...the expression pedals are hooked up to the m9, moggerfooger and ableton via the akai apc40...u can assign the exp pedals on m9 to control wave setting, octave jumps, reverb levels, cutoffs etc and on the moogerfooger its just assigned to mix for wobble so u can creep it in or whatever and then the other is assigned to mix of the cutter in ableton so the lfo will be perfectly in time to johns click...
    hope this explains it properly...come say hello at the bristol gig coming up...nice one :)

    Thanks for the info mate, really helpful! I've currently got the auto filter on ableton setup to wobble in time with a click, and I've setup a load of midi foot switches - one to adjust click track tempo in time with my drummer, an expression pedal to adjust the mix of the auto filter, and a load of switches to change the rate of the wobble to 1/4 , 1/6 , 1/8 etc.... works a treat for those beat matched wobbles :-)

    So can you just whack a regular VC expression pedal into the akai and have it route the expression into ableton as midi, or is it actually a midi expression pedal? I'm using an iPad to control ableton at the min, bit fiddly so thinking about getting a decent controller....

  2. Ok so I found the other thread where you'd discussed your setup a little...

    [quote]QUOTE (thisnameistaken @ Jun 16 2011, 01:31 AM)
    Very cool. What are the other two expression pedals for?

    they can be synced to anything on the M9 or anything in ableton but for this little demo i just used one of the pedals to change the synth sound, octave sweep and reverb if they were selected.the other was for the rate of lfo which was set so was just used for off and on...
    but i now have one on mix and one on rate of lfo through ableton and the other two can be used for M9 so can be assigned to anything on there[/quote]

    Just wondering how you're hooking your expression pedals into ableton? Are they midi pedals or are they standard VC pedals hooked up to some kind of controller that has a USB/midi out? I can get some half decent synthy tones out of my current pedal board but would love to bosh it thru ableton and have expression control over the ableton effects. Sorry for the third degree... It's just great to see someone getting such lovely sounds out of what appears to be a relatively simple and attainable setup so I'm eager to learn more!

  3. Well I'll be... I saw Submotion at the croft in Bristol earlier in the year, loved it, and a friend and I left feeling inspired to resurrect an old live electronica/dubstep project we used to play in.

    Was at Green Man fest the other day and knew that Submotion were on the bill so had to check it out... I was completely blown away; highlight of the festival for sure! It got me thinking about my effects setup for bass, and so I started scouring the net to find out who the submotion bass player was and if there was any info on his setup, and after a little research I find you're right here on my favourite bass forum posting live dubstep videos!

    Had a gander at your vid: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVOwdGRaYiw"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVOwdGRaYiw[/url]

    I see the trusty line6 M9 is in place, a few expression pedals, and some sort of moogerfooger... care to shed a little light on that setup and what you're using? (apologies if you've already done so on other posts!), and just out of interest, are you beat matching the wobbles/modulation to a midi tempo?

    Will be sure to catch you on the The Thekla in Bristol in October :-)

  4. Hey all, made a couple of posts over the last few days but figured it couldn't hurt to introduce myself...

    I'm an ex-guitarist who has seen the light decided to concentrate on bass as a first instrument, and I'm bloody loving it... BASS FILLS MY WILLY BIB.

    I'm playing bass in a live Electronica / Dub-Step / Trip-Hop kinda thing but we're still getting off the ground so as soon as we've got some tunes in a fit state I'll post them up.

    Anyways, seems like a nice community so look forward to exchanging low frequency banter with you all...


  5. I think it's cool because literally any type of music needs bass... it's the bridge between the rhythm and the melody. There's all this talk about how 'rock is dead' (and when they say 'dead' I've realised they just mean it's doesn't sell records like it used to, so there will be less rock signings in the not too distant future), and I really think that will eventually impact upon how many kids you see taking up guitar. But, you can still put a live bass guitarist in almost any live setup...

    I played guitar for years, and have always dabbled with bass but recently sold up my guitars and gear and decided to switch to bass full time (was capable, but never into mad solos and stuff, all about the interesting rhythms) and I feel not only waaaaay happier as a musician, but I feel like there are so many more doors open to me now.

    I think as music evolves and new sounds begin to surface, the live bassist can always have a place in it, and that's why it's cool.

  6. Thanks, that's what I thought... it's been fitted with a custom green led so it might just be a case of it being wired up the wrong way round after modification, as it's behaving exactly as I would expect if it were the wrong way round. I'll give the seller a shout. Thanks again for the advice!

  7. Hey all, I'm new here, so 'hi' and all that :-)

    I just picked up a Boss Bass Chorus CEB3 off ebay pretty cheap. Got it out of the box, plugged it in, nothing happened... LED is on, nothing. I had the amp hooked up to output A (mono), so I tried it in output B, and suddenly I get chorus, though even fully mixed in it's not too prominent. Fair to say that something is not right, but I'm trying to figure out if it's simply wired up the wrong way around or whether the mono output is just not working at all...

    Can someone else that has this pedal let me know if you get any chorus at all when plugged into output B only?

    Many thanks...

  8. [quote name='callingltu' post='1145277' date='Mar 1 2011, 12:00 AM']Sorry for bad quality pic.
    The chain is:
    behringer tuner -> boss syb-5 + exp pedal -> digitech xbw -> boss oc-3 -> boss odb-3 -> EHX russian muff -> Fuzzy cat ( wolly mammoth clone) -> boss ceb-3 -> boss lmb-3 -> diy bypass pedal which in loop has: (some noname distortion -> behringer mdx 2200, i use mdx for sidechain compression which is trigered by bass drum) -> ibanez de-7 (wasnt in my board when i made this picture) -> amp


    What expression pedal are you using on the syb-5? Anyone tried the behringer Fcv100? It's cheap as chips and looks like it'll last 6 months tops but I thought it might be a cheap way to try an expression pedal with the syb-5...

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