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Posts posted by grich154

  1. Hi guys,

    I've recently purchased a Sterling SUB Ray 4 bass guitar and have decided I want to install a Seymour Duncan MM pickup that I have from a previous swap out for another instrument. I usually do pickup swaps and wiring myself as I havent gone into complicated wirings and have found information and diagrams easy enough on the net.

    However, I'm a little confused this time round as when I've looked there seems to be multiple diagrams for all different EQ's and preamps, but not for the one i'm looking for. This may be because I am a novice and just missing something obvious but any advice or direction to the correct diagram/wiring would be greatly appreciated. 

    The Pup : SD Basslines MM pickup (previously from a Modulus Funk Unlimited) - only 3 wires (Black, White and Clear)
    The bass: Sterling SUB Ray 4 bass guitar - 2 band EQ - Volume, Treble and Bass

    Cheers guys 

  2. yeah i have started switching to different strings too, i've gone to nickel instead of stainless and stuff. The hartke sounds interesting too, i will have to check that out. i would be happy with a sound structure change, just a specific sound i am looking for so i wouldnt be much for changing settings on stage either...i can imagine that would be a real nightmare!

  3. Hi guys,

    i have a Fender Jazz bass with passive pickups that are really nice and handwound, but i am looking to boost my highs and dont want to install an onboard pre-amp into the bass itself. The pick ups are way too good for me to remove them, but i would like a little more "punch" i suppose, at times where i feel like it...

    So i have been looking at a few different types of exteneral pre-amp and at the moment i am drawn to the MXR M81. But i was wondering if anyone else has experiences they would care to share (good or bad) with regards to outboard preamps.

    Any feedback, on any brand etc would be great.


    Band with almost 9 years of history, internationally recognized and tours throughout in South America and Europe. The band have auditions for:

    - Bass Guitarist

    If an applicant is accepted they will be required to be available to tour from August the 15th until early December (3rd-4th). The tour will consist of 2 months in South America and 1 month in Europe.

    Requirements in order of importance:

    - Musical Quality
    - Availability
    - Experience
    - Have as main or large musical influence: Red Hot Chili Peppers
    - Instruments and Equipment
    - Age: 25 to 34 years (exceptions can be made)
    - Look closer to the original artist.

    If you are interested, send all datas, photos, link of videos playing and other relevant informations to [email protected]

    Video auditions are preferred (via youtube or other media sites) and further questions or queries regarding the position please use the email above.

    current members of band are from the UK, Poland and Brazil so it is a multi-national project

    Location: All regions, United Kingdom

    Payment details: payment varies for venues and flights are covered

    Applicants can also inbox me on here.

  5. just thought i would give this a try since no everyone replies to inbox messages. i am looking for a Micro Q Tron that is in good condition preferably with box etc. have asked around as there seemed to be some in circulation but yeah, no one checks their mail (sad face)

  6. Hey guys, this is my youtube channel:


    on there are around 45+ bass videos and covers, the videos do differ in quality as i started learning more about recording with audio interfaces and video/audio mixing, i got myself a presonus audiobox USB and a HD camera for recording the vids then used some movie making software to blend the both.

    If anyone has any tips on how to get better quality video (just video not audio) that would be great, like i said i am using a HD camera but the video always comes out like my most recent ones. cheers

  7. i am not sure about the answer to your question, but i own a modulus funk unlimited and can tell you it is the best bass i have ever played....ever. lovely range of sounds you can get from it, the neck and fretboard are so "liquid" to play its surreal, either of those basses are pro instruments though man so you are bound to get fantastic quality craftsmanship

  8. i have been recording videos for a while now, just over a year i believe since i purchased my modulus bass, i have gone through all the chili peppers tracks that get some nice views (have done others as well but they just dont get viewed), but i want to go for some new tracks, i have heard countless good bass lines in lots of songs, but when it comes down to actually deciding a song to cover it completely slips outta your mind. so i was looking for some fresh suggestions from people on here that i can refer back to because its in writing.

    if anyone wants to see my vids here are one or two or three:



    feel free to hate on me, wont be the first person and certainly wont be the last. however on the other hand feel free to browse my channel and stuff, comment or whatever.

    cheers guys

  9. thanks guys, appreciate the amount of quick replies, yeah i turned the low and high mids up on the amp both times, only helps slightly i find, and tone goes all hazey like everyone has said it will, guess i will need to sort a different rig out for myself . i have a backline GK which is 140W, not sure if that will make any difference to it, worth a try i guess... someone suggested a harmonix pedal for boosting sound? any thoughts on that..

  10. hey guys, i recently purchased a Modulus Funk Unlimited Bass wth the following:

    -Aguilar OBP1 Preamp
    -Badass Bass II Bridge
    - Basslines MM Pickup

    The bass is constantly active with no switch (only when batteries run out) but i have noticed that i cant seem to hear it when it comes to gigging or having band practice. I find that my Blade Jazz bass seems to be louder when i play it. The modulus sound is absolutely fantastic, and is exactly what i wanted to get when i bought the bass, however, when gigging with 2 sets of percussionists my bass sound seems to get lost amongst the drums :\ . I have gigged using a Roland Cube Bass 100 and used a Peavey Delta Bass 140W Head and Bass amp (separate). I bought this bass thinking that it would bring the bass sound even further to the front of the band but it seems to not cut through to the front as much as i thought.

    Any advice at all will be appreciated? i am not sure how many people on here are familiar with the bass as i am still fairly new... perhaps some form of pedals will help?

    Thanks GAV=]

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