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Posts posted by LessIsMore

  1. My first and most sh*te bass was a Rosetti Bass 9 - blockboard body, jazzy Fablon stick-on covering with weird plastic trim around the body, 3 pickups, a curious rotary pickup selector switch, total rubbish. I planed the neck down in an attempt to make it more playable - why not, nothing to lose... I bought it off one of the hip guys in the 6th form, must have been '69 or so. Eventually sold it to another hapless fool lower down the school, when I bought a '61 P-bass with the cash from my summer job, which I still have. I should have kept it, if only so I could say I still have every bass I've ever owned. It was a wonderfully '60s object! Made by Egmond apparently.

  2. Not sure if the "trend" is coming or going... but I didn't really think much of it, how mad to intentionally beat up a perfectly good new bass, and yes, just as daft as wearing someone's old clothes or taking an angle grinder to one's jeans (preferably without leg in). Bonkers.

    However, as a long-time P bass player (owned my '61 fiesta red for 40 years), I fancied a Jazz, and after playing lots of new Fenders, ended up with a used (who cares?!) '62 RI in, yes, fiesta red. And all those things people are saying are in play here - no worries about dinging it, finish feels like the 61, same colour (no-one in the band noticed I'd switched, t*ssers), except it's got a much slimmer neck and more to fiddle with. Oh, and it's in "worse" nick than my P! Probably completely psychological, but I'm enjoying it. Might check out a new Sandberg one of these days, since Jazzes seem like a generally Good Thing.

  3. First Bass owned - Rosetti Bass 9, horrifying chunk of blockboard covered in sticky-backed plastic, with added treetrunk; EDIT: research indicates that these were made by Egmond, badged as Rosetti for B&H, someone is trying to sell the guitar version for $600 on Ebay!

    Go to Bass - 61 Precision, fiesta red, yay!

    Your Bass - Currently, that 61 Precision

  4. Evening all. What a fascinating forum! Thought I'd register, since then I could contribute or just ask questions.

    I've been playing bass for a long time (40 years, on and off), but haven't really done much for a while. Got back into it last year for a friend's daughter's 21st (friend + mates played!), and got a couple more gigs this year for mates and things. All my gear is astoundingly ancient, so I'm looking for something newer... this lightweight stuff is mind-boggling.

    Keeping the basses though...
    '61 Precision (owned from 1970... sigh)
    '67 EB3
    '76 Dan Armstrong London (took the frets out...)
    '90? Ashbory

    Playing-wise, I find I'm listening harder than ever to what other people are doing, and I've decided to play less... and think a lot more!


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