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Posts posted by eatapeach

  1. What amp would you recommend for a 16 year old bassist who has just started playing bigger gigs? He has a TE Commando 100w combo which has been fine for rehearsals and practice, but has recently been playing larger venues. He plays in an indie band, but has also been asked to play now with a heavier rock band. He's been using a borrowed amp (I remember a Hartke rig at one gig) or going through the PA

    He plays a Bacchus Jazz, a Fender Precision and a Thunderbird. I think he likes the push of the Thunderbird but finds it hard to play so ends up using the J or P. He likes the bass out of the Kings of Leon - that's a Thunderbird / Ampeg sound.

    What amp/cab should I be thinking about for his Xmas present? A 4x10 cab? Class D head? What's very reliable, robust, resellable if I get it wrong and not massively expensive?

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