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Posts posted by JaminoBass444

  1. Well! I don't say i don't like the tone of the bass! I love it and the neck is so nice! I heard flea basses with Barto or other pick ups with a very strong, band-friendly tone! I read many people telling the lane poor were quite thin in this bass. I think i'm gonna give the SGD pickup a try! They have very good reviews and the designer seems very nice as i talked with him and he actually made them as lanepoor copies but with more output, warmer tone,...
    I really want to keep my bass! :)

  2. Hi EveryBody!
    I have a FleaBass for 6 Months! I absolutely love it!
    But something bores me! How to get a fuller tone in my Band!
    I have a TC RH450 and a Markbass NY212 cabinet and with my precision bass or my stingray i don't have any problem to be heard! But the Modulus sounds just fits the band so well and is such a pleasure to play that i can't use another bass with my band! It has a OBP-1 (i changed the original NTBT Bartolini which was very thin and the Aguilar improved the sound a lot), a BadAss Bridge II and an original Modulus LanePoor PickUps.
    I'm searching for a pickup with a more band-friendly tone, less solo-oriented, less edgy and more middle-charged! I was thinking about a Bartolini MMC or SDG Sidewinders or ???,...
    But i'm really lost in the jungle of FB pickups! I'm discovering new ones everyday! Everyone seems to tell totally opposite things and i can't build my opinion!
    I also have a non installed Lane Poor Legacy Pick Up at home. But i think i'm out of the LP thing (do they sound similar?)
    I really don't know what to do! Install the Legacy? Buy another PickUp? Which one?

    Thanks for you help and advices!
    Cheers from France!

  3. Hi!
    I have a wonderful 2007 Nirvana Black Warwick Standard Corvette to offer: build in Germany for shure! It's a 5 strings one! I have it since the last month! I had it by trading a Japanese Jazz Bass + Cash! But the Low B is not my cup of tea (even if in the future i'll GAS for a MM one). The original owner, which gave me the original gig bag, warwick book with all the tools and notice, had set Delano pickups on it! It's so punchy! :lol: If you prefer the original MEC, no problem, i still have it!
    This bass is a little more expensive than yours but i really don't care about because i'd rather have a P-Bass so much more than my Warwick (i can't play 5 ones).
    I'm in France and i think shipping both bass to each other would be a nice solution!
    Send me a PM if you're interested in (with your email address! so i can show you the BEAST)! :)
    For shure, if you have to ask whatever comes to your mind, don't hesitate!
    Cheers, Arnaud! :)

  4. Hi everybody!
    My name's Arnaud i live in the South-West of France! :) I play the bass for almost 3 years now! I'm sixteen years old, and i spent almost all my freetime playing the bass! I'm here because, this site seems to gather many people all around the world! My goals are to exchange with many people: giving and above all recieving advices, joking, checking sales,... Everything i can expect from such a nice forum! :lol: I really want to continue music as long as i can! This is such a small introduction but i'll be pleased to answer all of your questions (i'm talking like i'm famous :) ). I have a Stingray HH MusicMan, 2 Japanese JB and an old Squier which will be sold soon! For Christmas, a 97' Modulus Flea Bass will land at my house, i hope! :P To record, i use a UX8 Toneport, and i have a TC RH450 Head with a 121H Markbass cab!
    Here's my site, i really need advices about my playing (bad or really bad)! For now, it's the most important, so if you can help me to correct my faults! :D


    Thanks a lot! :lol: Bassistically, Arnaud!

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