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Posts posted by BroomKing

  1. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1034984' date='Nov 24 2010, 12:36 PM']What do you mean by "set up"? To me it means setting the action and intonation, checking that all the electrics and movable components work as they should. It's more about maintenance than anything to do with finding a sound. When you mention different pickups and bridges etc you are into the realms of modding. Is that what he wants you to do with his bass?[/quote]

    Yup, everything. A whole set up, new pickups, everything. Currently it's in pieces and it's been that way for a while.

  2. Afternoon all,

    I've just finished my PhD and my supervisor, a fellow bass player, has said that in return for his help over the years I can help him set up his bass. I worked in a guitar shop for about ten years so I'm fairly confident with the old technical jiggery pokery but I'm not that familiar with setting up basses for dub. I am a straight-ahead, 'make it as loud as you can and give it a boatload of snarl' kind of modifier but I don't think this is going to cut the mustard when it comes to a dub set up.

    I'm not sure of his pickup configuration yet and it's a really odd bass that he bought from a shop in Manchester in the '80s. I've never seen another one but I can't for the life of me remember the make or model. However, I just wondered if anyone had any experience with dub set ups and, if so, whether you could offer any advice as to which pickups, bridges, etc, would do the best job.

    All help gratefully received!

  3. Afternoon all,

    I'm Mitch and I live in Oxford, UK. I have a fair amount of gear, though nowhere near as much as I'd like (or the wife would allow). I am the proud owner of:
    a 1976 Rickenbacker 3001 in autumnglo, a Vintage something-or-other with active circuitry and 24 frets and a modified Squier P bass. With the latter, I took out the nonsense that was already in there and replaced it with Seymour Duncan 1/4 pounders and a BadAss II bridge. It's amazing how much better those basses sound with that kit in them. And how much better they look if you scrap the single ply scratchplate and stick on a nice triple ply laminate instead.

    We live in a tiny house and have no money, so I'm yet to settle on a rig. I currently have an old Carlsbro 65W combo that does the job but is far from ideal. I never use any effects but if I can find a nice valve overdrive pedal then I may well be tempted.

    I've played pretty much every style of music I can think of but I'm currently bringing my bass stylings to the indie genre with my band, E 4 Echo. We released our debut single earlier this month and played at Camden Underworld this weekend just gone.

    Pleased to meet you all!

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