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Posts posted by DazBoot88

  1. Hey guys,

    I'm gonna be busking with a guitarist and drummer soon and had plans to borrow a friends Markbass head and little speaker. After researching more thoroughly it dawned on me that the watts from the head may be too powerful for the battery i'm getting. If anyone has experience doing this and could recommend a relatively cheap alternative i would be grateful?


  2. I've had the same cable for ages and left it behind at a gig a little while ago, i borrowed a mates one for my next gig and that one started falling out and now the one i've bought since is doing the same. It wasn't a monster cable but i'm beginning to think that it may have been that lead that did it. I best get it looked at next time i'm in london. Cheers again.

  3. Alright guys, been having some problems with bass cables recently. The last couple i've bought have a tendency to fall out while i'm playing so i'm assuming i need to be getting one with a thicker end. Was wondering if anyone could give me some advice as to what i should be looking for?


  4. Hi people, i'm in need of an inexpensive portable bass amp that will be good enough for gigging. I'm looking to spend roughly between £200-£300 and would preferably be after something that will give a nice warm sound. Any help would be much appreciated and if this post has been done before then i apologise.


  5. My intentions for teaching are genuine, the comment about the finances were not related to why i want to teach but it means i could do with finding ways to get more lessons quicker. Thanks for all the advise given and i totally agree with being a good player doesn't make you a good teacher. I have thought about teaching for the past few months and it's not something that i've jumped at and thought that'll make me a few quid. I may have opened this post poorly but i was only after a bit of advise about the best way to advertise and didn't mean to come across in any negative way.

  6. I was thinking of using the rockschool grade books as a benchmark and take it from there. I suppose my basic aim is to get people playing multiple styles at a good level while putting heavy emphasis on groove. Thanks for the interest and advise so far.

  7. Hi all, i'm trying to get some money in from teaching bass lessons and was wondering if anyone could give me a little advice on how to get started. I've put an advert on gumtree and i plan to stick some cards up in local shops but not too sure what else would be useful. Any help would be much appreciated as my finances are a shambles.

  8. Chili's were my favourite band when i was growing up and are still up there now. Although there later albums have seen them decline they still have something that draws me back and make me wants to listen to them. I can't really pick a favourite song although Johnny, Kick A Hole In The Sky used to really help me out when work was getting me down. Good post Risingson

  9. Hi people my name's Rik and i'm from London. I've been playing bass since i was 10 so i've got about 12 years experience under my belt although i've only been taking it seriously for the last few. Joined the website as people on here seem to have a good amount of knowledge so it seemes like a good place to share ideas with all of you lovely people. I currently have a yamaha bb414 but am slowly saving up for a fender jazz 75 reissue. Am also looking to join bands both original and covers but am in need of money to finance a car for travel so that's another thing i'm saving up for, fun times!!!

    Anyway hi to all!

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