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Posts posted by CWJ1000

  1. [quote name='Twigman' post='904199' date='Jul 24 2010, 06:04 PM']No it's not the real slag I agree
    I was never in the real slag and I have never disputed that.
    In fact I've had so many people ask if I'm also cliff silver on my facebook that I had to point out that I'm not in my fb profile.
    I have removed my earlier post, made peace withloism and hope that we can all have a great time together in Barcelona.

    I too recorded the 3rd slag album and was in the band during the writing of the 4th &5th albums...

    I did not mean to cause any offence. Moonbassalpha is an old drinking buddy if mine and simon's and it was meant as a bit of banter between old friends.

    I too respect all the old slag stuff we play - most of the set is from the early albums and I too enjoy keeping the music alive and I too acknowledge that I may not play things exactly as cliff did...

    I feel really bad for posting what I did and would delete the whole thread if I could, please accept my apologies and let's not have any I'll feeling between us. I'm sure we'll allgive excellent faithful performances and have great time.[/quote]

    no problem, don't worry bout it -no offence taken - look forward to meeting you all in Barcelona and a good gig

  2. [quote name='CWJ1000' post='903857' date='Jul 24 2010, 11:09 AM']Hey thats a bit harsh! Simon is a great guitarist and wrote some great parts but i can play a bit too -lets see in barcelona!
    I think I play the songs pretty well and the band is sounding great - although we havent tried to copy everythng exactly - its a new intepretation too.
    As I understand it Simon didnt wan't to play in the SC again, Liam and Mark did, we also have a great drummer.
    I also have some bone fide claim to play with the SC - I attended the recording of their first album in the 80s, sang backing vox on one track, and also co-wrote one of their songs.

    The new band sounds great and we really respect the music of the original SC and are loving keeping it alive![/quote]

    btw it's not the "real" SLAG either is it - you weren't the original bass player and tony wasnt the original guitarist! ;-)

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