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Posts posted by Ricky

  1. Can anyone give some advice please, Do you know any sites that i can use to convert bass tab into sheet music please. Why i'm asking is a good freind of mine wants to get a tattoo, and she wants to use one of my bass lines but seeing as i cant read or write music only tab its a little difficult to design for her, if anyone can help it will be much appreciated.

  2. Hi i need help, my misses brought me a ultrafex II sound enhancement processor for my birthday, model:EX3100. I play with a double ashdown cab with a mag 300 amp head. she was told i could fine tune my sound, but my question is i dont really know how to connect it up properly, the processor is a little new to me, any help would be gratefully appreciated. Thanks.

  3. [quote name='andyjingram' post='859541' date='Jun 7 2010, 07:39 AM']Hi Ricky,

    Welcome to the forum. It's great to hear you've made a return to doing something you love! I've just moved house so have had to change my arrangements, and my gig quota has dropped dramatically. It's been starting to get to me, and your post cheered me up- just what I needed this morning! :)

    Enjoy yourself, Andy[/quote]
    Cheers andy, you know it's forums like this and people like you and everyone else that welcomes you too back and makes everything worthwhile and all the crap that the ex band mates and people who put you down coz they DON'T get it, you just seem too forget all that. Thanks for the reply, its cheered me up that i've cheered you up.

    cheers steve....

  4. Cheers all, i suppose the only ones that matters are the people you are in a band with now (and of course fello bass players).Good too be back on board hope to speak you all soon.

  5. Hey everyone,I've been out of playing for about 6,7 years after i was in a band and they dumped on me, thought they were good freinds tried a few other bands but it just did'nt work so i stopped playing put me kit away, and before i knew it we were into years without touching it. One xmas i brought me misses a drum kit,(well what else do you buy a loved one when your a bass player) she went for lessons then i started to get ichy fingers out came the amps and bass and soon was jammin with her. Was in two minds wether to get back to bands or not then a freind of misses was looking for a new bass player in his band who play heavyish rock, not that up on playing hard but gave it a go, they liked what they heard and i loved being there. These are just three freinds that are having a laugh together. Its been about 6 months now we've played quite a few gigs 1 where we supported megadeth uk, been in the recording studio for our first album, and we're doing a local festival in a couple of weeks. I know one thing i love being back on the scene, and finding this forum just keeps it alive. ROCK'N'ROLL everyone :)

  6. I had a affair, it all started when i fell for my first love a yamaha RBX 350, she had a lovely dark body and lovely curves, we spend many a night out together playing our tunes, then one day my mate introduced me to his fender jazz, we hit it off her lovely slim body so easy to play the sound coming from her, well the bells rang the yamaha was put aside and my new love is here to stay. Well untill i can afford the rickenbacker. Have i taken this too far. Oh well. :wub:

  7. Thanks guy's much appreciated. I'll stick with what i got, like you say the band will soon tell me if it's not the sound there looking for. At least now i ain't got to go through all the trials of new strings and which could also be a costly one. Thanks again. :)

  8. I've been out of the game for quite a few years(about 7 years) but some freinds i know we're looking for a new bassist, they gave me a go and i made it in. Thing is the music they play is rock(metalica etc type music). Thing is i've never played heavy before always been into indie bands, so been bit of a learning curve, but the time has come too change me strings. I play with a fender 4 string and a ashdown stack system, i used roto's standard gauge strings. What i;m asking is what do you metal heads use.i know it's too everyones own tastes but just looking for a bit of guideance.sorry for going on but my first time on here. :wacko:

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