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Posts posted by kiwijetpilot

  1. Love to, but don't often get to Nottingham - currently in Ireland. I've managed to find enough info on the web, including some excellent images. All I am trying to work out now is how they sound. My main bass is a Steinberger - old, but I love it -and that is extremely clean and quiet. I am looking for something that can "growl" a bit with a very good low B, but still sound tight and controlled. I also want to develop my embryonic slap technique.

    I have owned a lot of Ibanez basses, and they were all disappointing in the tone department - however, the newest one I owned was a Roadstar II so no doubt the newer basses are a lot better now.

    Anyway, if you can point me at any samples of the bass, or even a recording of one, that would be great. In the meantime, I'll continue the research.

  2. I don't suppose there is any chance of some better photos, maybe taken in daylight to avoid the yellow-ish colour cast? And do you have any pics of the case?

    Looks nice, never heard one of these being played though. If it up with recent Ibanez stuff though, it should be good.

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