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Posts posted by andrew

  1. [quote name='dlloyd' post='52358' date='Aug 29 2007, 02:54 PM']Um, I played bass with Ken McClusky once... he was one of the vocalists in The Bluebells, if anyone remembers them...[/quote]

    Aye I remember them dlloyd, they were great on channel 4 programme 'the tube'!

    Think the most well known band we supported were London garage band The Wigs at Fulham Greyhound many many moons ago.

  2. Hullo.

    I'm 41, a self taught rocker/mocker and i started playing bass when i joined a band in 1987.

    since then have played in a few local bands to varying degrees of lack of success (not that ive ever been in it for the money anyway :-).then after a few years lay off after hanging my bass up i Started playing again just two years ago for a new band and now ive got the bug again!

    As far as bass playing style goes i don't know anything about theory or scales reading music etc, but I make up my own basslines and my main strength is to improvise on the spot and jamming etc, and my weakness is remembering how the bloody songs go! When first starting out I always used a pleccy but now only use one if the song is too fast for my fingers.the basses ive had are an ibanez roadstar II, an aria pro II mad axe, and now a fender mim jazz.

    Some bass players I admire, to name but a few - Paul McCartney, Lemmy, Steve Garvey, Greg Norton, Jah Wobble, Joe Lally and Mike Davis.

  3. [quote name='paul, the' post='41131' date='Aug 3 2007, 11:33 PM']Erik Satie is your friend on Myspace! :huh:
    You've just elevated yourself to coolest person on the forum.[/quote]

    Hiya paul - thanks fer the reply! Yeh Erik is a big mate of ours he is dead on it! :huh:
    The bas was DI'd fer the myspace recordings, the chaps are trying to convince me to mic up the 10" for our next recording citing the story bout the stranglers guy using a ripped speaker and it being part of their sound, giving it character n that, but I dunno, might sound a bit thin :) Cheers TTFN.


  4. :huh: Hello there![attachment=1554:new_cam_022.jpg] Believe it or not this is my 'rig' :huh: 100 watt Carlsbro stingray from the 70's I think and I dunno some old pa cab and a MIM Jazz.. This is my :)[post="0"]myspace.com/therelievoes[/post] ...band

    Well what else can I say, It's nice to be here! TTFN .

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