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Posts posted by Baskesman

  1. [quote name='linchoun' post='1002893' date='Oct 27 2010, 08:26 PM']Bretagne...great bretagne...we are cousins :lol:

    Thanks ![/quote]

    but he's from "behind Perpignan"
    that's Spain isn't it? well from where we are...

    cherchez la vache!!
    I'll get me coat..... :)


  2. [quote name='silddx' post='943286' date='Sep 2 2010, 01:57 PM']I don't feel like I'm getting bang for my buck lately with BGM. I like one or two things but I just got the Latest Guitarist and it's got loads of bass stuff in there, and the reviews are really meaningful compared to the BGM ones. They ask the manufacturers questions and quote their answers, they even pointed out an issue to PRS and PRS admitted they hadn't noticed it and will put it right in the manufacturing process. That's the sort of review I like to read.[/quote]

    I think I'll return to Guitar mags after this subscription ends.

  3. [quote name='bassix' post='951572' date='Sep 10 2010, 11:12 AM']Its just a case of not getting the sound I would like out of it. It has plenty of power but not a lot of soul so if I can achieve that with a pedal I think it must be worth a try. There is also a part of me that wants a lightweight rig. As we're playing small gigs normally (largest being the concorde 2) it seems a little pointless having heavy equipment to take to pubs and small club shows. I also like the idea of taking a barefaced midget cab on stage to derision and then blow people away![/quote]

    I use Peavey Mk III, but am more doing the 80's punk sound. However I added a EHX english muffin' to give that little tubey warmth (that's soul!). It is extraordinary, but not if you want to add a mass of distortion then I think other pedals are better.
    I used the HA2000 before that and I understand your 'lack of soul' kinda description, well the above combination HAS IT.
    I'm sure amp and pedal can be found really cheap in the UK.

  4. [quote name='essexbasscat' post='911778' date='Aug 1 2010, 12:32 PM']Top man. I can't praise these amps highly enough.

    I'm considering buying one up one day to take it apart and see if it can fitted to a lighter case without suffering


    you won't regret it. In the meantime I've done 2 gigs with this setup and it sounds very angry!
    At the beginning this head suffered from scratchy pots but at the first rehearsal at decent volumes that was no longer the case!!

  5. [quote name='Big_Stu' post='874179' date='Jun 22 2010, 10:54 AM']OK, here's a question for you.

    I have friends with a son at your age getting into guitars. They are in the Maastricht area, when I've been there to visit in the past he told me that it's difficult for you there to buy "good" gear, and I didn't see many shops for modern stuff, just plenty of accordians etc.

    When he decided he wanted a Tele I bought one here & took it over, it was that difficult.

    So the question is, how do you find getting good equipment, both in having a choice & paying a good price? I've recommended them using Thomann in Germany for future things.[/quote]

    Big Stu, I live in Belgium and can speak for people on the continent. We can get decent gear over here, no probs but in Belgium (and I think that counts for the Netherlands too Cloff?) you will have to pay a lot or Euros for it.
    Our resort is buying stuff in Germany, which got easier thanks to the internet shops (but then again do you want to buy a bass thru the internet?)

    I can give you an example of a recent buy I did:
    I bought a MCB410 Marshall cab via collegues from the UK. That costed me 234 pounds with free delivery into the UK.
    So I got it delivered at a family members address of a collegue of mine here at work. With the pound at an acceptable rate (back in february). So converting this value
    I got this for 290 Euros (that includes the incredible rate of the bank transfer arrrgggghhh :rolleyes: ) in total
    If I would buy this in Germany it'd be 399 Euros, in Belgium I guess it'd go towards 450 Euros

    Also the second hand market has serious price differences as obviously we want a fair bit of the money back on what we had spent on this kind of gear.

    Yes as an european I'd say buy in the UK if you can! Mind you mailing amps cost a fortune... :)

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