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Status Replies posted by Phill

  1. Put together a deep-dive video covering my Overwater basses 



    1. Phill


      @andydye Thank you again! Yes I’d be very interested in that actually 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. Put together a deep-dive video covering my Overwater basses 



    1. Phill


      @andydye Thank you! Yes I definitely should have! If you want any info about them though just pop me a message 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. Is there a forum for sharing performance videos? not a place to flex but a place to help improve.


    friends and family are the worst for giving pointers for improvement and instagram are far too brutal. 

    1. Phill


      Try the "Show Us Your Playing Videos" Topic here 


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. Had a nice string delivery from La Bella Strings! 

    1. Phill


      @franzbassist Not sure If I like these new super polished ones unfortunately

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  5. Had a nice string delivery from La Bella Strings! 

    1. Phill


      @Reggaebass Low ish but not as low as LTF's though there is a different feel there for sure

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  6. Had a nice string delivery from La Bella Strings! 

    1. Phill


      @franzbassist I'm just putting them on a Jazz bass now to see what I think! Yes they do Very good support from them 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  7. Had a nice string delivery from La Bella Strings! 

    1. Phill


      @Reggaebass I really like them. Only tried the five string ones so far (on a P Bass) quite bright to start with but sit very nicely 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  8. Applications are open for the Help Musicians Co-Pilot Mentoring Scheme!


    1. Phill


      One of the most rewarding schemes I’ve been a part of is as a mentor for the Help Musicians Co-Pilot Scheme. Such an amazing organisation and useful/resourceful for any music industry creative who needs guidance.


      Co-Pilot helps musicians to take the next step in their careers by matching them with an experienced music professional, who can share their expertise to help talented creators focus, grow and thrive.


      Partnered with PRS & The Ivor’s Academy. The initiative provides eight hours of mentoring across six months, but it is more than just mentoring. You will have access to resources, workshops and networking opportunities to develop your career. To make it as accessible as possible, Co-Pilot is an online network. Mentors and mentees can be located anywhere in the UK.



  9. Got to Got to meet Pino last night in Cardiff. What a life changing experience!! 

  10. Looks like I'm the new owner of a bass with great provenance! Pics to follow when it arrives 

  11. Looks like I'm the new owner of a bass with great provenance! Pics to follow when it arrives 

  12. Looks like I'm the new owner of a bass with great provenance! Pics to follow when it arrives 

    1. Phill


      @franzbassist It's not! I just your status after I posted haha. This is a hollow body of some sort 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  13. Hi To “All” Bass Players In The UK ! Been Playing For 42 Years Now Here In The USA   

  14. A sad bass related day today. My 1976 (first year of production) Musicman Stingray Fretless Bass is leaving my studio for the last time. 


  15. A sad bass related day today. My 1976 (first year of production) Musicman Stingray Fretless Bass is leaving my studio for the last time. 


    1. Phill


      @SpondonBassed Not using it as much as I should be really. Plus a new fretless has arrived too which covers the same sounds 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  16. I am very proud to say I am now an endorsee for Aguilar Amplification! A huge thank you specifically to Pete from their UK distribution Barnes & Mullins! 


  17. Booked in a new bass synth student this morning 🎹


    1. Phill


      @Harlequin74 South East Wales but I do online lessons also 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  18. Can anyone identify these tuners I’ve just found. I know they’re Hipshot Ultralight's but not the exact model 


  19. Bit of an emergency. Dep required Tomorrow 12 midday 08/01/24 for paid rehearsal in Pontypridd South Wales paid half MU performance rate plus travel expenses (out of my own pocket) 

    I have all the dots and setlist with links to the tracks 

    I’ve dislocated my shoulder and broken my little finger falling down the stairs

  20. Been busy working on bassthing.uk designing new bass t-shirts & hoodies etc

    1. Phill


      Just took a look, very nice! I'll be making an order soon :)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  21. I'm very pleased to announce that I am now endorsing/an endorsing artist for La Bella Strings!


    1. Phill


      @franzbassist Thank you! I left another endorsement earlier this year and they seemed to like my portfolio etc really 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  22. I'm very pleased to announce that I am now endorsing/an endorsing artist for La Bella Strings!


    1. Phill


      @Reggaebass Thank you! I'm loving them so far I need to put some of the Olinto's on a bass next to try 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  23. Got booked on probably the most amazing & biggest session of my career for this month & now the date has been moved so I’m unable to do it. The ups & downs of the music industry. Maybe next time!Got booked on probably the most amazing & biggest session of my career for this month & now the date has been moved so I’m unable to do it. The ups & downs of the music industry. Maybe next time!

    1. Phill


      I know its just scheduling problems like but still haha

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  24. Lehle Mono or Stereo volume pedal for a theatre tour?

    1. Phill


      @BassAgent clues in the name i suppose! haha! Thanks 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  25. Anyone setup up a Double Stop Extender from Hipshot? I'm in a pickle!

    1. Phill


      @prowlaGrindy is the best word for mine too actually 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

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