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Greg Edwards69

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Status Replies posted by Greg Edwards69

  1. The Commitments on BBC2 now. B|

    1. Greg Edwards69

      Greg Edwards69

      We watched it in our hotel room at the weekend. Knackered after a day walking around Camden. It's one of those rare movies I can watch repeatedly and never get tired of. A perfect film.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Any BCers in/around Southend fancy some live goth/post-punk music action on Friday? My band, The InSect, is headlining. Details below


    1. Greg Edwards69

      Greg Edwards69

      I have plans already for Friday. But it's nice to see there's a few of us in this neck of the woods.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  3. Now that I am on holiday with the family,  I  get an email saying the bass I have my eye on (and intend to purchase) is now back in stock. Typical 🙃

    1. Greg Edwards69

      Greg Edwards69

      I had exactly the same thing. Currently on holiday until end of next week. I got an email this morning telling me bass that I’ve been waiting for finally became available. Purchased straight away and will be delivered to my workplace.

      PS. I wonder if it’s the same one? Jackson Minion, white with maple fretboard from Manns Music.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. Hi, I’m researching the best way to re create the sound of an upright on my Dean Pace EUB. I’ve tried using a condenser mic which sounds fantastic but feeds back like crazy once the desired volume level is achieved. I don’t want to upgrade the piezos or preamp but have been contemplating trying the “Tone Dexter” preamp.

    I can justify the purchase as it can be used in conjunction with my acoustic upright as well, but before I do this I was wondering if it’s a stupid idea (in relation to the EUB)


    ok I’ve said it, let the merriment commence 😃



    1. Greg Edwards69

      Greg Edwards69

      I wonder if a 3 Sigma upright bass impulse would work for you. Obviously, you'll need an IR loader device.

      Upright Basses Archives - 3 Sigma Audio

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. I've noticed my left ear was a bit muffled of late, so all this week I've been popping a few drops of Otex in each evening in an attempt to soften it all up... last evening I gave it a good flush out with some hot water, and now not only can I hear in glorious stereo again, but I've got the makings of a good sized candle. zzzzzzzbx3o48f1K6x6.gif.b2b3fc9149a80279e6c0387c2182a48e.gif


    1. Greg Edwards69

      Greg Edwards69

      I tried one of those spiral cleaners once when my ear felt a little blocked. Made it even worse. The Otex kit with the little bulb thingy did the job a week later.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  6. A bandmate and I are going to a friend's surprise birthday party tomorrow, and I thought I'd look into taking the train... the train journey takes 2.5 hours (there are changes) and will cost 60 quid return for the two of us... it's a 90 minute drive and will cost approx 20 quid in fuel for the return trip. This, right here, is why nobody travels by train.

    1. Greg Edwards69

      Greg Edwards69

      Neither my wife or I drive, so we use public transport a fair amount. Train fares are an absolute rip off to get around the country. We got a "two together" rail card a while ago that helps bring the cost down, but it's still expensive.  That said, the amount of time we use the train, it probably still works out cheaper than owning a car.

  7. Fretting hand cramping up more often now, even after a good warm up.


    Maybe it's time to go to the dark side. . . .


    And get a P bass . . .

    1. Greg Edwards69

      Greg Edwards69

      I used to get terrible fretting hand cramps when I used to play repetitive lines at the nut end of my old 5 string thumb bass (not to mention shoulder/back pain). Although the neck was the chunkiest thing I’ve ever played, in hindsight, the ergonomics were dreadful. The massive neck and tiny body with a short top horn not only was a recipe for neck dive (that meant holding the weight in my left hand and pushing down with my right forearm), but also put the first fret about a mile away from me. IIRC, the string spacing was a little tight at the nut end too.

      A decent P type bass that balances properly should help alleviate the problem (it worked me with my Attitude and Squier 50s P).  Interestingly, I also don’t have any issues with my G&L Tribute JB-2 with a narrower nut than a P, but it does has a chunkier neck than most Jazz basses. I can’t get on with thin neck profiles at all.

      I’ve come to realise that nut position and neck profile is more important than string spacing!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. I have accepted an offer from a friend to play in his karaoke band. I have to learn like 40 songs for tonight...

    1. Greg Edwards69

      Greg Edwards69

      Best of luck with that.  The closest I've had was around a weeks notice so I had ample time to prepare. Still need and iPad with notes on it and very, very, active listening.  I quickly realised the keyboard player was holding it all together so watched him most of the time.


      Best dep bassist I've seen was a chap who flew in from France at short notice to play with Uli Jon Roth on a legends of rock tour. Uli's set included Vivaldi's four seasons, plus his own fifth season composition. I couldn't see any sheet music on stage either.  Great stuff.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  9. Greater love hath no man for a woman ... I have just sat through the first two episodes of the Sex in the City reboot. "And just like that" with Mrs C. This is not bass related but I felt the need to share my pain

    1. Greg Edwards69

      Greg Edwards69

      I'm so glad we don't have sky. My better half desperately wants to watch it!  

      (And no, I've refused to pay for Now TV on top of Prime, Netflix and Disney+)

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  10. Trying to sell gear on FB marketplace is torturous. I swear people get a kick out of wasting your time.

    1. Greg Edwards69

      Greg Edwards69

      “What’s your best price?”


      The one it’s advertised at!

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

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