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Posts posted by Dood

  1. This was as close as I could get to John's 67/69 P basses.

    I couldn't afford a real one, so a CIJ 70's reissue is pretty much there. A friend of mine has a 70's P and sent me pics to compare 'em!


    I do JD impressions with this one!!

  2. Hi all.

    Well, I guess an endorsement is a kinda 'business' deal. "You scratch mine and I'll scratch yours." Simply, if company XYZ feels that they will benefit from adding a musician to their rosta then *hopefully* said musician can stand to gain from the 'deal' too. As mentioned above, this can be anything from getting ya strings at a better price or in some cases.. payment for performances can be in guitars! Seen it with my own eyes too! ;o)

    My Guitarist, Andy James released his second album last week. He is on the Ernie Ball rosta and has a good relationship with Peavey amongst others. The guy is a monster on guitar. I mean from a showman point of view, he has 12 fingers. This kinda playing gets him noticed.. and EB like that.. when he's playing their guitars.

    He won a national guitar competition against 100's of awesome players... on an OLP!!!!!

    CK is spot on. You need a presspack - a good promo/portfolio. There are examples out there on the net. (dont fill it with BS, they probably get 100 of those a week) - all of the above.. press clippings, album releases, what you are doing at the moment and where you intend to take it. CD's, videos etc. Companies like to see you are hoping to have a future with them.

    For example.. I go ON and ON and ON and ON about Shuker. Gawd.. it's lucky I like them and not hate! lol lol lol

  3. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='2359' date='May 19 2007, 06:47 PM']is this when you were fitting the tuning keys?


    LOL!!!! Thats awesome! Yes! I'm glad that the truss rod doesnt need a tweak. I couldnt hold the spanner and balance on the strings at the same time ! ;o)

    [quote name='nottswarwick' post='2400' date='May 19 2007, 07:39 PM']how have have you mananged to tweak your post count dood? :) :huh:[/quote]

    t'wasn't me your honour.. some li'l monkee did it!!! lol .. OK!! I admit it. I am a geek!! I spend too much time on my bass.. too much time here!! lol - well.. Bass is ma life!

    [quote name='peted' post='2401' date='May 19 2007, 07:40 PM']A 110 'E' string gives me the frights. The 175 doesn't look like it would move if I jumped on it.

    Remember to PM me if you're taking that bass out in public so I can have a look. Cheers Dood :huh:

    Quick Edit: Just thought I should add that I don't intend to jump on your bass to prove my initial point :huh:[/quote]

    Hey dude! The 175 is a very taught string in comparison to using a 145 as an F#. It has a certain WOOF to the tone. Not the clanky 'drop D tuning' type sound. (Which is lovely) but a more 'standard tuned' sound, if you get me?

    I will certainly tell you when she's going out to play. We have no gigs until September.. I'll keep ya posted!

  4. [quote name='obbm' post='1887' date='May 18 2007, 11:15 PM']I agree with you about the vents however the type and location of the side handles will make a big difference to the slap tone.[/quote]

    What? Am I hearing this correctly? The vents and location of the handles affect the amp's tone???

  5. I run an 18V system on the BQS system ( ithink it is called) but you can run EMGs and a 9v preamp off the same battery, no probs. You could even run one battery for the pups one battery for the pre, 9 v each.. or do a full on 18v system if the pre will take it. I'd have a word with our man retro first, to see if you can. EMG circuits do, but thats not what you're after.

  6. Awww lovely! well.. I have a 4u rack. It contains very little at the moment. I have an EBS multicomp, a TC Electronics G-Force and my favourite amp.. a 1u 1k+1k power amp. I have a power rack strip at the back of the box and a blanking panel at the front.

    Every cable is neatly arranged so the signal leads stay away from the mains leads.

    All the EQ / fx / valve sims are done on the TC. I mix a direct signal with the compressed signal and like to use cabs that are a bit hifi. Thats really about it. Oh, I also carry a stereo DI box and an MXR M80 should anything go badly wrong!!!

  7. [quote name='BOD2' post='1737' date='May 18 2007, 07:45 PM']I thought I heard somewhere he's packed it in and enjoys spending time with his family.

    Lots of stuff on the net about him. Good bio on [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Deacon"]Wikpedia[/url]

    He was a good songwriter too.[/quote]

    Yup I heard the same.

    An interesting point about Queen, is that every member wrote a hit (or more) that made it to number one. I wonder how many bands can say the same?

  8. I have so much to thank him for. I would dearly love to meet him to do that in person. He was the reason I started to play bass. Many others have influenced my playing and my 'style' if i have one, probably has nothing in common with his.. but.. he got my started.

    I think his playing was in the pocket all the time. Tasteful and uber musical. I love listening to all the unusual stuff.. there's some cracking moments in JD world!

  9. I used a pair of DC's in my 7 string and a pair of P's in my 6 string. I can't comment on the DC + J config, but there's absolutely no reason why this wont work. Don't forget, because EMG pups have quick release connectors, if you don't like the J in the neck position, you can always swap the pups round and see what it sounds like that way.. or swap for a P style.

    The DC pup has more of a musicman rasp to it. The J will sound smoother and less aggressive. The P style pup has a deeper bottom end and will have a more characteristic sound than the J. All of the extended range pups have an inherent HIFI edge to them, but this can very easily be 'oldskooled' by using a passive EQ and winding the top end down. I leave mine 'falt' and EQ on my amp instead.

    I love EMGs.. they are shhweeet!

  10. This thread will be for "Doodle" including the review of the Warwick Dark Lord strings. I'm just gonna tidy up the old diary for the new site.

    I'll have a new thread for the new bass, when it starts.. but that wont be for a while yet.

    Doodle will be sporting some updates over time.. She is definitely a work in progress. "What?" you say.. "how can you improve on perfection?" - Just little things! I'll keep you all posted.

  11. Hey mate! Um, the tuning keys.. err.. the knobs are on their way .. and I had a new nut made for the new strings.

    I LOVE those new keys.. they are very light. They can be ordered from Gotoh I assume. I must admit, they look better than the black hardware! I think I'll be updating the lot eventually!!!!!!!

  12. I did.. and I'm just a bass player, so.. yes.. yes it is! I will eventually copy all of the info over, but I'm lacking Mod rights at the moment.

    Read this for now.. [url="http://basstalk.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=2804"]http://basstalk.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=2804[/url]

  13. For any fans of Status basses, go and check out avid BW member Andre's new Status website at [url="http://www.statii.com"]http://www.statii.com[/url]

    Moderated by our very own Status and G-77 (uh oh!) I expect it wil be a great success! Best of luck with it chaps.

  14. There seems to be a lot of interest in the cost of importing. This topic gives the definitive answer for a single item import from outside the EC. For the sake of example, I will use a Japanese 62 reissue P-Bass priced at Ishibashi at 42,400 yen plus 16,000 yen shipping. The formula applies to imports from the US also:

    Cost of item: 42,400
    Cost of shipping: 16,000
    = 58,400
    converted at Monday's exchange rate ( 0.00498943 )= £291.38
    3.9% import duty = £302.74
    17.5% VAT = £355.73
    customs clearance charge - Parcelforce=£13.50, DHL=£20

    So the landed cost of this example is £369.32 or £375.73 depending on the courier used.

    Ishibashi in english ISHIBASHI [url="http://www.excite.co.jp/world/english/web/?wb_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ishibashi%2Dmusic.com%2F&wb_lp=JAEN&wb_dis=2"]http://www.excite.co.jp/world/english/web/...EN&wb_dis=2[/url]

    I highly recommend IshiBashi. Fast insured deliveries too and much cheaper than buying the 'non export' versions in the UK

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  15. Well it has been a long time coming but I have finally received a new set of custom bass nuts to fit these new MONSTER strings!!! Jon (Shuker) kindly cut a set, so I could drop the new gauge strings straight on my bass without any additional fiddling.

    I first and foremost must thank Dean from the Bass Centre for hooking me up with Rob Norton, the Vice President of Warwick UK. We spoke by telephone initially and I met with him and Dean at the London Guitar Show this year. Rob very kindly offered to help me out with my 'string issues' and I have a lovely set of these strings to thrash the pants off and give you a review.

    Warwick are the only mainstream manufacturer to offer a serious solution for those of us who want to seriously drop tune. More and more bands, especially metal.. but, other genres are demanding a wider selection of strings to create new and exciting sounds.

    I have been using the heaviest gauge custom made F# string I could find for the last few months or so.. unfortunately only being a 145 gauge for my bottom string. This, is normally just a heavy B string. It works, but still a wee bit floppy.

    Enter Warwick! The gauntlet was thrown down and they have met the challenge with the Warwick Dark Lord bass string set.

    The 4 string bass set is gauges 175, 135, 105, 85:-

    Nothing really unusual on the outside of the box.. but it's the beast within that had me giggling like a school girl when I first opened the box.

    So what do they sound like? Well as you know, I sold both of my Bass cabs recently and will be looking to purchase a new pair soon. So, the neighbours got off very lightly this evening. I demo'd the new strings through my li'l studio and straight into a set of earphones, to really get close to the sound.

    I can describe them but I'd urge you to try Warwick strings yourself. I know they have a really good reputation amongst users here on this forum and would expect that you guys would feel the same if you tried them.

    They aren't 'pingy' (if thats a good word) like D'addario or NewTone for example. The fundamental tone is deeper and full of harmonics, instead of just zing. This appears to work extremely well with my EMG DC pups. The overall effect being a biting tone and a fairly gutteral resonance. Needless to say I am pretty impressed, as you can imagine.
    The F# string is massive in comparison to my 'usual' strings. I don't think the pictures above really do the beast justice!

    I did like the fact that when I am dropping below B, the notes didnt just turn into a moosh, but I'd also add that you need to exercise a little bit of restraint if (like me) your action is pretty low. This string needs to move!!

    As far as I know, at the moment very few people (if any actually) have the Dark Lord strings yet, so I do feel a little bit chuffed that I have got a chance to give them a play so soon after their release.

    Tacked onto the bottom of this review, Jon Shuker has also sent me a set of the Gotoh Res-O-Lite 350 tuning keys for my SHuker 7 string. I'd just like to say that they make a massive difference to the weight of the bass, as the headstock is no longer pulling down on my shoulder. so, a BIG thanks to Jon as well.

    Give these strings a go.. I don't think they are a novelty.. and lets face it.. Us ERBers do need help with sourcing strings in the UK!

    Cheers all,

  16. [b]yes, I am going to do a new diary for you lovely people..

    Coming Soon!



    A Must See![/b]

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