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Posts posted by bcbass

  1. I've done some shielding on Squier Precision PJ bass, just before everything done tried if everything works.All in place, pickups and electronics,input jack just outside cavity which was shielded as well and all works,no problem at all.When both screws tightened on input jack there is no sound.I was confused completely, reopened,checked all solderings and wires and all fine, tried with amp and working again.Again tightened jack plate,no sound again, so,when I do 2-3 turns back with screws everything works.I have no idea what is happening with this weird input jack.Any help will be much appreciated.


  2. Recently got very nice Indonesian made Squire Precision(Special) in black colour with white pick guard.I'm thinking to change to Tort one.There is few suppliers online and all of them have this 13 hole PG,but some people saying is not ok or PG fit nicely.Anyone recently bought or fitted on right one and where did you get yours?
    Preciosion is with Jazz pickup in bridge and have 3 pots VVT.

    [url="https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmedias.audiofanzine.com%2Fimages%2Fnormal%2Fsquier-standard-p-bass-special-60221.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fen.audiofanzine.com%2Felectric-fretted-bass%2Fsquier%2Fstandard-p-bass-special%2Fmedias%2Fpictures%2Fa.play%2Cm.60221.html&docid=Le5s8pSqvWdp0M&tbnid=G1DH8MuC30rJaM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjr6oPkoJvXAhXoCMAKHTiUDR0QMwhCKAQwBA..i&w=2592&h=1944&client=safari&bih=749&biw=1199&q=squier%20precision%20bass%20standard%20series&ved=0ahUKEwjr6oPkoJvXAhXoCMAKHTiUDR0QMwhCKAQwBA&iact=mrc&uact=8"] 2592 × 1944 - en.audiofanzine.com [/url]

  3. [quote name='cd_david' timestamp='1495112719' post='3301366']
    2nd time round, maybe ill not be dumb enough to sell the cab again........... :rolleyes:

    Very nice Spector,me like mucho!

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